24 hours by Chloé
By Chloé @kloway
We live in Hyères, in the south of France, with two daughters, Rose and Alba.
There's nothing better than spring Sundays since it's warm but not too hot! After breakfast on Sundays, we usually head out.
Alba can be quite energetic, which makes it hard to be calm at home! The best pizza in Toulon is located down at the port, so we went there today.

After that, Rose had ice cream, her favorite treat, and she gets messy easily! Then we decided to take a long walk in one of our favorite neighbourhoods, which was very pleasant and peaceful! Our route included a stop at the playground where Rose played while her sister napped. After that, we strolled and visited the playground at the Mourillon beaches! The time had come to return to the car. On the way home, the girls fell asleep! We were exhausted, but it was so much fun!

Rosa and Alba are wearing clothing from our SS24 Hi, How are you! collection