24 hours by Jeanne & Anna

We asked her to capture 1 day (24hours)

by Jeanne @lesfillesdejeanne

Our home is in the West of Flanders, Belgium. Including one hairy cat, Gaspard, we are a family of five. Father Free (40), mother Jeanne (35), daughters Anna me :-) (9), Suze (7), and Julia (3).

It was a sunny Autumn October day today. 

There are only girls in the house this morning. In my room, we played 'hotel'. There are also spa treatments available in hotels. A movie showed that.


Today, Julia decides she wants to be cheese. (When Julia holds the yellow ball, she becomes cheese)
And the blue tote bag became the new hiding place for Gaspard. The good news is that we found him! 


By bike, we visited dad in the afternoon. His field of study is ornithology.  Watching birds (and the mud) through binoculars was a new experience for Julia. 


We stopped at the alpacas on the way home to feed them grass and chat with them. To take home, my little sister collected some small flowers and pebbles. 
