For you.
The talented Fillipina/Indian London borst arts Laxmi Hussain, mom of 2 and a third on it s way, has created a few special Mother day designs for us.
The designs were created with the words "Thinking of You" in mind. In times like these this is even more important to me to have your loved ones "close" to you, when the world seems to be standing still.
We also asked Laxmi 2 important questions about being a mother, motherhood and society.
1. what does being a mother mean to you
Being a mother means everything to me, it's not only being there, like waking up sleepily to prepare breakfasts early on a Sunday morning even though you'd rather stay in bed. But it's also observing the wonderful things which evolve over time, right now I sit with a cup of tea listening to my youngest sing in the soft morning sun whilst playing, it's the perfect music to work to and I wouldn't have it any other way.

2. What do you think is the influence of mom’s on the society?
I actually feel the role of mother's can be downplayed a lot, their importance can sometimes be mocked. We raise the generations ahead of us and we simultaneously seem to be blamed for choosing to stay home and nurture, as well as going out to make a living and not being there all the time for our children. I feel mothers help keep the softness in society alive, the reality of human connection, children learn strength, courage and compassion from the people who raise them, the ways in which mothers contribute to society should be taken more seriously.
Thank you Laxmi