Green Week for R E L O V E D

It’s GREEN WEEK at R E L O V E D by Repose AMS, as we would love the spotlights on our own values; less consuming and being thoughtful towards a more sustainable life. ‘Repose AMS always aims to create and produce something meaningful, something with a story, something that last...’

So we think this is just the perfect occasion to introduce the running force of our charming R E L O V E D. As she is the motivating factor behind this beautiful initiative; ‘the most beautiful second-hand pieces for kids.’


While asking Milou (37) about her mindset towards secondhand clothing and consuming,
she told us shortly her lovely story about her own childhood and how her own family is adapting the same values, which we love to share here.


Milou grew up in Zwolle, a city in the middle of our country. With sustainable thoughtful parents, with a positive mindset about consuming and consideration of others too. A great example, especially now when we have to take extra good care of the environment and our planet. It makes the adaption easier.

While chatting, Milou mentioned the local secondhand store Poppelot with such a big smile, as being the NikeTown of her childhood. To her it was the place to be and never thought there could be more spots to shop her outfits. Totally awesome. That’s so cool about kids... They are such open-minded individuals.



Biente (9), Joep (6) and Peike (2,5), are the three children of Milou. They all have a different taste, as you can see in their lovely closets. It shows individuality, colour and fun styles. ‘It is still easy to decide and shop their clothes, before 10. My 9-year old daughter has already her own wishes, style wise, which is a natural proces. Giving my direction won’t be as easy anymore when she becomes a teenager, but that’s fine. I love her style.

In the family we had this particular jacket passed on for 18-years, and already then it was secondhand.’ It’s a beautiful metaphor for what I stand for, Milou says. As well when my daughter says; ”Hey, is that my t-shirt?”, while seeing her niece wearing something familiar. How cool is that? ’Passing on clothes is something kids love. Something which comes so natural to me too. It’s all about choosing the right pieces and create an individual wardrobe for every child. I never shop fast fashion for my kids. Just can’t. R E L O V E D is making it easier for me to select and collect for my bunch, obviously. It is something which suits me and my values very well.’



While unpacking the boxes and bags with incoming items, the joy at the head office of Repose AMS can be huge, when suddenly some beautiful former Repose AMS items emerge... Realising the process of the former collections. The whole journey. Now can be treasures.

So secondhand items like these deserve a lot of attention and that’s exactly what Milou does.

She will unpack, carefully selected, steam and photograph every item herself and then price it, before it will be visible on the website and available in our Brandstore. All manual work obviously. Which is quite a production.

Therefore she launches a carefully curated selection only a few times a year. Also depending on the amount of good items being offered. They just want better for the environment, economy and reducing the CO2 footprint. It’s the bigger picture of R E L O V E D and Repose AMS.

If you can, stop by in the brandstore of Repose AMS to see, and touch the items yourself. Or visit the R E L O V E D website. Hopefully inspiring you to buy more secondhand and unique items. It feels new, but with extra values. Good for the planet and a joy for your kid. All we need.